About RVM systems

Proven and innovative reverse vending machines

A global leader

RVM Systems is a global leader in collection solutions for used beverage containers. We develop, manufacture, sell, supply and service reverse vending machines (RVMs) and high-speed counting solutions. We are a long-term technology partner to almost all deposit return schemes (DRS) and container deposit schemes (CDS) globally. We have delivered machines to more than 40 countries globally and we have a significant market share in many countries.

A broad, proven and innovative product range

RVM Systems has the widest product range within the DRS and RVM industry – catered for any retailer, return point operator or DRS administrator. We have an industry-leading innovation and technology level enabled through our experienced and knowledgeable R&D team. RVM Systems has a high production capacity enabling us to deliver thousands of machines in one order. The machines are proven, of the highest quality and meet DRS specifications. We hold ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 27001 (information security) certifications.

ISO 27001
Held by RVM Systems AS – our R&D and IT head office

ISO 9001 and 14001
Held by RVM Systems AB and RVM Systems AS – the head office and the R&D and IT head office

Our owner

RVM Systems vision is to be the leading global partner to provide innovative technologies in sustainable recycling. Our mission is to create trusted technology and give packaging an infinite life. We are headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and we have subsidiaries in most existing and coming DRS and CDS markets. We are fully owned by Färna Invest – a fully owned investment company of Gerald Engström – the founder and largest owner of the global ventilation company Systemair. Niklas Engström is Group CEO of RVM Systems.

Our History

RVM Systems started as a company in 1994 in Drammen, Norway. Back then, the company was trading as Repant AS. Because of its success and potential, it was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Gerald Engström became the largest owner, and finally decided to buy out the company from the stock exchange. Around the same time, the company changed its name to RVM Systems and moved its head office to Stockholm, Sweden. Niklas Engström became CEO in 2016. Since then, a couple of acquisitions have been made including the acquisition of Anker Andersen.


Years of experience


Number of markets we have sold RVMs to

17 billion

used beverage containers collected in 2023


markets with our own subsidiaries